Achieving Intentions’ services packages are organized in the following thematic areas
Life coaching.
We will work with you to:
- Identify and clearly define life goals, actions and plans that are SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time bound).
- Develop and sustain the passion and motivation required to take actions that will support you to achieve your goals.
- Develop skills and acquire tools for measuring your progress, holding your self accountable and celebrating each milestone achieved.
- Become more self-aware of your innate and acquired personality types, level of cultural development and how to apply them in managing cultural differences and conflicts in your daily life and relationships
- Develop skills and acquire tools that will support during key transitions in your life journey
Career Coaching, Mentoring and Counseling.
We will work with you to:
- Identify the career that best fits your personality type and allows you to achieve your goals in life
- Plan your career journey to match your planned and evolving lifestyle taking into account where you are in your life journey
- Develop, promote and market your personal brand within your work environment and to stakeholders outside of your work environment
- Unlock and apply your full potential to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in your work environment
- Build skills and capacity to manage cultural differences and conflicts in your work environment and during career transitions.
Executive and Leadership and Management Coaching.
We will work with you to:
- Develop the leadership and management skills that lead to success and unlock the full potential of your business, get it unstuck and moving in the right direction.
- Integrate yours and your team members’ personal values into your business (or businesses) to make work fulfilling, stay motivated, confident and passionate about the business goals.
- Manage intercultural differences, conflicts, stress and support work/life balance practices among your staff.
- Craft SMART long-term vision, mission and set goals that will bring significant, positive results to your company.
- Chart a course that takes your business exactly where you’d like it to go and have a step by step action plan to make it happen.
- Keep your eyes on the big picture and your hand on the steering wheel while motivating and inspiring your staff to do their best
- Cultivate new habits and mindsets that support small business productivity and optimize your environment and set boundaries around distractions and interruptions.
Transitioning in life and careers
We will work with you to:
- Increase your awareness of your personality type and intercultural development
- Optimize your personality type and cultural intelligence in your planning and managing transitions
- Explore, identify, expand and optimize your unique talents, core values, passions and strengths to cope with transitions
- Develop a personalized plan that addresses your transition goals that optimizes opportunities ahead of you, pushes you beyond obstacles and patterns that may sabotage your efforts.
- Access and make use of well tested and evidence-based skills and tools to enable you achieve your transition goals
- Stay passionate, focused, motivated and accountable as you go through the transition
Building A Successful Business.
The globalization of the economy, has challenged businesses to adapt and adopt new practices that are needed to ensure their continued survival, growth, profitability, improved performance of employees, resolve work morale and turnover within the a diverse political, social, cultural and business contexts. Achieving intentions will work with you to review and or develop your business strategies, solutions and action plans to ensure sound and viable:
- Mission, vision and values
- Goals and strategic plans
- Objectives, action plans, monitoring and evaluation plans
- Teams that have the relevant skills, commitment and capacities
- Clientele bases that are sustainable
- Personal relationships with your business that ensure life balance.